GET YOUR GLORY RIGHT: Three Ways to Glorify God this School Year

The theme for our 40th school year is ‘40 for His Glory.’ I have spent a lot of time thinking and reading about what it looks like to do something for God’s glory. One of my great childhood memories is rooting for Michael Jordan. His excellence at the game of basketball was part mesmerizing and part inspiring. If I wasn’t obsessively watching him play, I was trying to emulate him in how I played. The combination of being mesmerized by transcendence and inspired to action is not just reserved for teenagers obsessed with a star athlete. It is actually part of the complex concept of giving glory to something and it is how God designed us. Glory-giving and glory-reflecting are part of our DNA. 

The apostle Paul tells us, ‘But we all…looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.’ (II Corinthians 3:18) What we give our glory to is also how we will reflect glory. C.S. Lewis described glory this way, ‘‘Glory appears to me to mean two things – who am I paying attention to and who is paying attention to me.” Paying attention to Michael Jordan and trying to emulate Him was powerful, but imagine how powerful it would have been if Michael Jordan was also paying attention to me! 

We should be paying attention to our Creator because He is intensely paying attention to us. He made us, loves us, and has a plan for our lives. The more we pay attention to Him, the more we will reflect exactly how He designed us. 

‘Until we get our glory right, we fill find persistent restlessness and anxiety,’ – Thomas Aquinas

Here are three ways each of us at Indian Rocks Christian School can get our glory right so that we can collectively make this year 40 for His Glory

    1. Read your Bible and pray every day. A regular habit of hearing from and talking to our Creator allows us to ‘square up to Him’ so we can reflect Him.
    2. Do the best you can with whatever you have. King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, said, ‘Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all of your might.’ (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
  • Encourage others. The root of the word encourage is to give courage to another. How special would our community be if giving each other courage was our standard? 

Let’s get our glory right and make our 40th year truly for His glory.

God bless & Go Eagles! 

  1. HOBBS BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS: Want to read more on this topic? Check out ‘You Are What You Love’ by James KA Smith or ‘The Weight of Glory’ by CS Lewis