Band instruction begins in the fourth grade where students explore different instruments. In the fifth grade, they pick one instrument on which to focus and they spend the entire year learning and developing their skills on that instrument. In both years they meet for instruction twice a week and have two concerts each year.
Middle School Band rehearses five times a week during the school day and performs five to six times per year. Students at this level develop the fundamental music and performance skills to become lifelong musicians.
High School Concert Band, is an advanced ensemble that rehearses five days a week and performs six to seven times a year. Students in Concert Band will learn multiple styles of instrumental music including Jazz, Classical, and Pop. Students in this ensemble also learn the fundamental skills in composition and music technology, enabling them to create a musical experience relevant to their own lives.

What Our Parents Say
“I’m a 5-year Marching Band parent at IRCS with a son who will continue Marching Band at the University of Central Florida. My son learned leadership skills that he will carry throughout his life. Serving as Equipment Manager his 11th Grade year and Horn Line Captain his senior year, I cannot say enough wonderful things about joining this Band Family. Music Education is vitally important for brain growth and focus. Marching Band and Color Guard develops a student who is disciplined, responsible, and persistent. All of these qualities carry over into the classroom. Have your child try it for one year. He or she may fall in love with the performing arts.” – Kristin Renee Senne
Building a strong foundation for your child’s learning journey
IRCS Marching Band
The IRCS Marching Band is a high school competitive ensemble that performs at each home and some away football games as well as five Marching Competitions. This ensemble rehearses twice a week after school with a few Saturday rehearsals. The marching band also includes a color guard which is a fantastic outlet for dance and visual performers. The marching band season begins with band camp in July and runs through November. This is a great way for new students to get plugged in at IRCS. The marching band uses both traditional band instruments and electronic instruments such as keyboards and guitars.