The Talon
The Yearbook of IRCS
The Talon is proud to offer the Indian Rocks Christian School Community the ability to advertise their business in our publication. Businesses make it possible for The Talon to continue to produce a yearbook our families can be proud of for years to come. Consider investing your advertising dollars in the lives of our students.

Commemorate Your Senior
Families of senior students are welcome and encouraged to purchase a commemorative ad to celebrate their child’s achievement. Paperwork is provided at the end of junior year for families to plan ahead. Underclassmen, middle school and elementary families may purchase a half-page, quarter-page or business card-size advertisement to recognize their child’s achievement or provide a message of encouragement.

Meet the Talon team
The Talon is a yearbook publication by, for, and about the students of Indian Rocks Christian School from preschool to senior high. The Talon staff is comprised of teacher-recommended students who demonstrate abilities that relate to publishing. The students assume the roles needed to run a successful business, commemorating the life of the school by producing a lasting, high quality journalistic annual. Students have the opportunity to develop skills in desktop publishing, digital imagery, journalism, advertising and business management procedures. Those who display leadership are given additional responsibilities in editorial positions. The Talon staff is under the supervision of Mrs. Mary Miranda.